Thought Shaker Thursday

Phone: (630) 915-7309
Email: Deborah

Deborah is here to
Shake Up Your Thoughts
Each Thursday

Shake up
to Wake up
your Life!

"I'm Done" with my comfort zone and not trusting, how about you?

Comfort Zone

I’m totally done with playing it small to fit in, be loved or be accepted- all in the same category more or less.
Dana Colley
I am the "what if" girl and get freaked out like that also. I can't blind trust.
Deborah Todd
I would say that this is in the "worry" category. Always worrying wondering when the other shoe is going to drop and what if it does, but what if it doesn't? Let's throw that in the burning bowl!

Dana Colley
I am at the point in my life "if the other shoe drops" who cares or hey roll with it and go from there. The worry is all to consuming and really affects other aspects of my life. Can't focus or be happy/chill.

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Deborah Todd is ready to Shake Up your Life!
Deborah Todd is ready to Shake Up your Life!
Deborah Todd is ready to Shake Up your Life!